CENSORED [Under Belgian law we are not allowed to quote this]
Kak ви звучи това? И на всичко отгоре е вярно.Защо левичарите така ненавиждат истината и свободата? Ето как в Белгия цензурират независимите блогове : The Brussels Journal
Ето и за какво е наложена цензурата: статия от агенция МЕМРИ от July 11, 2007.
A quote from Khudayr Taher, an Iraqi Shi’ite writer living in the U.S., at the liberal Elaph website, 4 July 2007
Статията се казва:
Arab Liberals on the 'Terrorist Doctors' Plot in the U.K.
"Not all doctors are angels, though theirs is the most respected and most needed of professions… But still, our expectations were not so low as [to think] that some of them would stoop to the level of murder and terrorism. This is a more violent shock than anything in the past.
"The shock was not [just] the news of planned bombings in Britain, since [all] corners of the world are filled with news of violence. The shock that jolted everyone was that the suspected criminals were doctors and [individuals] from the health sector…
"How can those who give justifications [for these actions] explain the fact that a doctor could plan to kill innocent people who [just] wanted to travel with their children, or passers-by in a crowded square?
"These people are sick, even if the walls of their clinics are decorated with medical diplomas.
"I can say, sadly, that they have done more harm to their people than any of the [other] groups that Al-Qaeda, and the countries that fund it, have chosen in order to carry out impure missions…
"[Al-Qaeda and its sponsors] have not left the Muslims any area where they can be free of them. They have succeeded in presenting Islam as an evil religion that even uses doctors to kill innocent people - despite the fact that they spent years studying and training in order to save people's lives, without regard to their religion, race, or gender.
"If someone were to try to defame the image of the Arabs and the meaning of Islam, they could not succeed as much as those who, year after year, specialized in presenting a bad example, [as though] to emphasize that this is not a problem of poverty or personal lack…"
неделя, 22 юли 2007 г.
Топлият климат е благоприятен за развитието на човешката Цивилизация
Исторически може да се констатира, че топлите периоди хронологично съвпадат с просперитет за човешката Цивилизация. Например, в началото на Новата Ера, по време на триумфа на Римската Република и Империя, когато топлият климат благоприятства цялостното развитие на обществото. Подобна тенденция наблюдаваме между 1150 – 1300 година по време на голямата викингова експанзия към Гренландия и Северна Америка. Климатично „мекия” 12 век (gentle twelfth century) е представян в Шотландия, като „златна ера” с меки зими и сухи лета.
И обратното – студените климатични периоди, отговарят на векове, в които човешкото развитие попада в „dark ages” . Такъв период на студена цивилизационна спирачка настъпва след 1410 година, когато се прекъсва връзката с Гренландия и по време на така наречения „малък ледников период” между 1600 и 1850 година.
NRH: On what rests then what you describe of “ myhe of total warming ” planetary?
ML: In 1988, the United States lived tragically a dryness accompanied with winds of dust, which recalled 1930s, those of the dust-bowl, illustrated by John Steinbeck in The Grapes of anger. In June, 1988, J. Hansen (of Nasa) introduced{presented} in front of the Congress a curve on which he added, in annual averages, an average established over last five months, what had the effect of making climb artificially the thermal curve of the United States. This dishonest technique triggered off then the ” climatic panic ” already prepared well in advance by ecological movements, what drove{led} in 1989 to the creation of GIEC.
Á to leave of this date, the number of alleged climatologists, most often auto-proclaimed or indicated by governments, augmented in a dizzy manner. Climate became the affair of the ecological organizations, said journalists scientists, of mass media and of policies{politics}.
At the same time, everything was hyper simplifie by delegates indicated by governments and called "expert" (therefore of policies{politics} or of politicized scientists) which establish, as in Paris in February 2007, the ” Summary for Decision-makers ” (Summary for Policymakers).
It is on the occasion of these meetings that are orchestrated, with force simplifications and negotiations, or even brazen lies, media "blows" intended{designed} to impress opinion. In that way, in 1995, had been introduced{inserted}, except scientific debate, expression, always not proved, ” the responsibility of the man in climatic change ”. They are then very far from very climate! But it is in that way that policies{politics} and mass media overbid in doomwatch of warming with the same insurance and the same vigour as in 1970s when they announced the return of a ” new age of ice ”!
И обратното – студените климатични периоди, отговарят на векове, в които човешкото развитие попада в „dark ages” . Такъв период на студена цивилизационна спирачка настъпва след 1410 година, когато се прекъсва връзката с Гренландия и по време на така наречения „малък ледников период” между 1600 и 1850 година.
NRH: On what rests then what you describe of “ myhe of total warming ” planetary?
ML: In 1988, the United States lived tragically a dryness accompanied with winds of dust, which recalled 1930s, those of the dust-bowl, illustrated by John Steinbeck in The Grapes of anger. In June, 1988, J. Hansen (of Nasa) introduced{presented} in front of the Congress a curve on which he added, in annual averages, an average established over last five months, what had the effect of making climb artificially the thermal curve of the United States. This dishonest technique triggered off then the ” climatic panic ” already prepared well in advance by ecological movements, what drove{led} in 1989 to the creation of GIEC.
Á to leave of this date, the number of alleged climatologists, most often auto-proclaimed or indicated by governments, augmented in a dizzy manner. Climate became the affair of the ecological organizations, said journalists scientists, of mass media and of policies{politics}.
At the same time, everything was hyper simplifie by delegates indicated by governments and called "expert" (therefore of policies{politics} or of politicized scientists) which establish, as in Paris in February 2007, the ” Summary for Decision-makers ” (Summary for Policymakers).
It is on the occasion of these meetings that are orchestrated, with force simplifications and negotiations, or even brazen lies, media "blows" intended{designed} to impress opinion. In that way, in 1995, had been introduced{inserted}, except scientific debate, expression, always not proved, ” the responsibility of the man in climatic change ”. They are then very far from very climate! But it is in that way that policies{politics} and mass media overbid in doomwatch of warming with the same insurance and the same vigour as in 1970s when they announced the return of a ” new age of ice ”!
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