неделя, 15 ноември 2009 г.

Krauthammer срещу Obama


Ако сте пропуснали това интервю сега може да си наваксате ;-). Водещият американски политолог и журналист пред списание Spiegel буквално смъква политическата одежда на Обама за да ни покаже истинския му облик на лъжец, грандоман, самовлюбен некомпетентен социалист. Приятно четене:

In a SPIEGEL interview, Charles Krauthammer, the leading voice of America's conservative intellectuals, discusses Barack Obama's Nobel Peace Prize, the president's failures and the state of the United Nations and the international community.

SPIEGEL: Mr. Krauthammer, did the Nobel Commitee in Oslo honor or doom the Obama presidency by awarding him the Peace Prize?

Charles Krauthammer: It is so comical. Absurd. Any prize that goes to Kellogg and Briand, Le Duc Tho and Arafat, and Rigoberta Menchú, and ends up with Obama, tells you all you need to know. For Obama it's not very good because it reaffirms the stereotypes about him as the empty celebrity.

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