Kметът на Брюксел, социалистът Freddy Thielemans, забрани демострация за годишнината от атентатите на 11.09. в Ню Йорк и срещу ислямизацията на Европа. Ако не сте съгласни с него подкрепете протеста:
To: Brussels Major The Brussels mayor, the Socialist Freddy Thielemans, has, on 9th of August 2007 sent out a press release in which he has banned a demonstration with a minute of silence to commemorate the victims of 9/11 on the 11th sept in Brussels. The reason for the prohibition is that he says he cannot guarantee public safety and that he won’t disturb the Islamic section of the population in Brussels. By invoking the lack of public safety, he is precisely highlighting SIOE’s demonstration title:
Stop the Islamisation of Europe.
SIOE’s message through the 4 slogans is exactly to warn against conditions such as these, where people no longer can use their freedom of expression and feel secure, but the shocking facts are that these conditions already reign at the heart of the EU. SIOE’s demonstration will of course happen, as a peaceful utterance of opinion, an utterance of opinion for which Moslems have countless times received permission to demonstrate in Brussels.
Therefore it is, of course, completely absurd to ban a peaceful demonstration because they are afraid of violent muslim counter-demonstrators!
We kindly ask the major of Brussels to alter his decision and let the free people of Europe demonstrate for their civil rights. We want our right to have a minute of silence to commemorate the victims of 9/11 !
The Undersigned
To: Brussels Major The Brussels mayor, the Socialist Freddy Thielemans, has, on 9th of August 2007 sent out a press release in which he has banned a demonstration with a minute of silence to commemorate the victims of 9/11 on the 11th sept in Brussels. The reason for the prohibition is that he says he cannot guarantee public safety and that he won’t disturb the Islamic section of the population in Brussels. By invoking the lack of public safety, he is precisely highlighting SIOE’s demonstration title:
Stop the Islamisation of Europe.
SIOE’s message through the 4 slogans is exactly to warn against conditions such as these, where people no longer can use their freedom of expression and feel secure, but the shocking facts are that these conditions already reign at the heart of the EU. SIOE’s demonstration will of course happen, as a peaceful utterance of opinion, an utterance of opinion for which Moslems have countless times received permission to demonstrate in Brussels.
Therefore it is, of course, completely absurd to ban a peaceful demonstration because they are afraid of violent muslim counter-demonstrators!
We kindly ask the major of Brussels to alter his decision and let the free people of Europe demonstrate for their civil rights. We want our right to have a minute of silence to commemorate the victims of 9/11 !
The Undersigned
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