петък, 12 януари 2007 г.

Европейското малодушие: ЕК няма да се намесва в случая със сестрите в Либия.

Европа я е страх да не разгневи Кадафи и предпочита да си мълчи. А когато не мълчи, витиевите шикалкавения в изказванията на комисаря по правосъдието Фратини, само доказват, че този проблем не се счита за "европейски". Аман от лицемерие!

EU Cowardice: Commission Will Not Intervene on Behalf of Bulgarian Nurses

Here is
another example of how the Eurabian networks and the EU are holding Europe hostage. On January 1st, Bulgaria became a full member of the European Union. This means that the Bulgarian nurses who have been sentenced to death in a ridiculous trial in Libya are now EU citizens. The nurses were accused of infecting Libyan children with HIV at a hospital in Benghazi in the 1990s. Some expert studies, however, suggest the infection was present in the hospital before their arrival and its real cause was poor hygiene.
According to the EU Commission, which is the EU’s government and thus the government for nearly half a billion people, protecting the lives of their own citizens is less important than continuing the Euro-Arab Dialogue and strengthening Euro-Mediterranean relations.
Ahead of their first parliamentary session as ‘proper’ MEPs, Bulgarian liberal deputies have come up with a resolution calling for a special European Parliament rapporteur for the case of the six medics sentenced to death in Libya and also for a revision of EU policy towards Tripoli should there be further negative developments. […]
Bulgarian liberal MEP Filiz Hyusmenova – one of the resolution’s authors – argues that the parliament should be closely involved in following the case and even nominate a special rapporteur on the matter, stressing "After all, now at stake are the lives and well being of five EU citizens." "We would like the European Commission and the Council of Ministers to consider, in case of further negative developments, a revision of the EU’s policy of engagement with Libya," she added. […]
But EU justice commissioner Franco Frattini said in December that dialogue with Tripoli should continue. "Trying to force the [Benghazi] issue would have the sole effect of destroying rather than strengthening Euro-Mediterranean relations."
There is one, and only one, solution to this: Get rid of the European Union, as soon as possible, or
the pessimists will be right concerning Europe’s future.

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