сряда, 7 май 2008 г.

Как икономиката кове приятелството. Boeing vs. Airbus

179 самолета цистерни, за 35 милиарда $. Купувач е американската армия. Европейската фирма EADS, съвместно с Northrop-Grumman сключи огромен договор с US Air Force за доставка на самолети. Машината избрана от американците е KC-30 (KC-45 A според други източници), а моделът е на базата на A 330 MRTT (Multirole Tanker Transport). Същият танкер е вече закупен от ВВС на Великобритания, Австралия, Саудитска Арабия и Емиратите. По номенклатурата на US Air Force, КС означава „tanKer-Cargo „. Основното предимство на А330 е мултифунционалността. Той може едновременно да бъде използван като танкер, но и за транспорт на войски и материали.

Самолетите ще бъдат построени в САЩ в завода на Еърбъс Mobile (Alabama). Това е продиктувано от факта, че в момента еврото е на 1,5 за долар и европейската продукция е с около 25% по-скъпа от американската. EADS са принудени да делокализират част от производството си, за да останат конкурентноспособни на Северно Американския пазар.

Трябва да се каже, че става въпрос за тежък удар върху Боинг, който до сега беше единствен доставчик за този тип самолети с модела си KC-135 Stratotanker. Първоначално през 2003, поръчката беше дадена на американската фирма, но след поредица от проблеми включително и отклоняване на средства, тя беше анулирана.(аферата Darleen Druyun)

По този повод Луи Галоа, президент на EADS, каза: “Ние станахме образцови американски граждани”.

Кооперирането между САЩ и ЕС е в полза на всички.

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BOEING - триумфът на либералния подход

Northrop Grumman to Build Tankers for Air Force

Tanker contract award announced

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  • At 2008.03.06 13:08, ExtremeCentrePoint said:

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    Louis Gallois, the CEO of EADS, the stakes details of the contract.


    Airbus won a landmark contract with the Pentagon. What was your reaction to hot?

    WELSH Louis. I felt a great deal of emotion and a great pride for EADS, Airbus, all teams that have worked well for us to get this contract. The box shows that it is capable of better.

    Some felt less than 5% his chances of winning in front of Boeing, archifavori. Were you surprised?

    For my part, I thought the chances of winning two-thirds for Boeing and third for us. We won because we offered a very good product, the military version of the Airbus A 330.

    This is the product that made the difference?

    Several factors weighed in the decision of the Pentagon. First, the quality of the product that has won the last four tenders in the world, recently Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates has chosen our aircraft. The Pentagon noted Airbus A330 according to various criteria and our grades were good. Then we have a good partner: Northrop Grumman, which is the prime contractor for the project, a very well conducted its business. We learned a lot with them on how to respond to an invitation to tender in the United States in defence. Then, we were able to demonstrate that we are a good American citizen in creating jobs: the contract will generate 25000 jobs in the United States, including subcontracting. And we are going to build an assembly plant in Mobile, Alabama, to assemble the tanker, but also the cargo version of the A330. Finally, the political climate between France and the United States has become more favorable. They have established good relations of confidence and enabled us to be treated fairly.

    The American factory does it need to Airbus to offset the impact of the weak dollar?

    We do not have this plant in the United States because of the weak dollar. It will help us a bit but the assembly is only between 6 and 7% of the added value of an airplane. But this site is part of the vision 2020, our strategic plan, which provides that the deadline we are present in the United States in defence. This is a major step.

    This contract will it have a negative impact on the activity of European factories as employees fear?

    Quite the opposite! I say that we take European labour for up to the United States. This is not that. We build an assembly line but all parts of the aircraft will be produced in Europe wings to Filton, England, the central section in Saint-Nazaire and the nose at Méaulte in France, the fuselage in Nordenham Germany, the tail of the aircraft in Spain. The 179 aircraft that we are delivering to the United States Air Force are on the contrary a remarkable support to the ramp up of the A 330. This is an additional workload for European factories.

    This contract will he change the plan Power8 economies?

    No, it does not change Power8. We are cutting jobs structure and we will continue in this direction. Meanwhile, we hire in positions of production. Given these two movements, in 2007, EADS retained the same number of jobs to nearly 400 posts.

    Are you afraid of an appeal by Boeing which would modify the contract?

    In the United States, it is usual that after a competitive bidding process, there are procedures. I do not know the reasons that push Boeing to initiate an appeal. The negotiation was conducted in a professional and fair. We played to our strengths and we have won.

  • At 2008.03.06 23:05, ЖЕЛЕЗНИЯ said:


  • At 2008.03.08 15:48, ExtremeCentrePoint said:

    Да железния. Точно така. И по тази причина се кооперират и са заедно в НАТО.

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